Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Christmas Crowds

Christmas is only a few days away, and that means a lot of places are going to be extremely busy. Keep reading for our advice when it comes to handling the last couple days of Christmas crowds.


You likely already have your travel plans in place, but we’ve got some advice to try and make your experience a bit easier. Whether you’re hitting the road or heading to the airport, everywhere is likely to be pretty busy over the next week.

·        Get to the airport early. Millions of people are getting on planes over the next few days, and you don’t want to miss your flight because you get stuck in security. Bring a book or a laptop to entertain yourself while you wait.

·        Bringing gifts? You might be better off wrapping them after arriving at your destination. If a wrapped gift sets off any alarms, TSA is going to open it. It is easier just to wait.

·        Go carry on only if you can. This will save time because you won’t have to wait at baggage claim and there’s no chance of your luggage going missing.

·        If you’re traveling by car, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday are expected to be the busiest days on the road, so leave extra time.

·        If you can drive to your destination in the morning versus the afternoon, you will most likely encounter less traffic.


If you’ve not finished Christmas shopping yet, it is too late to avoid the crowds. Malls and stores are absolutely packed with people shopping for last minute gifts. There are a few ways to make the experience less overwhelming, though.

·        Try getting out to the store before the weekend. It will likely still be busy, but not nearly as busy as it is during the weekend. Similarly, try going shopping in the early morning. The later it gets the busier it will be.

·        Parking lots will be crowded. If you can, get someone to drop you off and pick you up later to avoid the stress of parking.

·        Expect every store you go to to be packed. If it is, you are less likely to be irritated, and if it isn’t, you’ll be pleasantly surprised.

·        Take friends or family with you. Yes, this means more people, but you are more likely to enjoy shopping when surrounded by people you care about.

·        Go shopping with a game plan. Know what you need to get and get it right away. Choose stores you already know to save time.

·        It may still be possible to do some online shopping. Shop your favorite stores online and opt for in store pickup. Check the dates and make sure stores will have the items before Christmas, first!

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