Friday, April 15, 2016

When to Brave the Crowds

On this blog we talk a lot about avoiding crowds and crowd control. No one likes to be in the middle of a large crowd with constant bustling. It can be both overwhelming and frustrating to be stuck in the middle of a crowd. Despite this, there are certain situations when being amid a crowd is worth it. This month we’re going to give you our top times to brave the crowds.

1.      Cultural/Historical Sites – If you’re going to go on vacation, especially if you plan to leave the country, you will likely have the opportunity to view many cultural and historical sites. Locations such as Big Ben and the Eiffel Tower are always going to be packed, and for good reason. Significant landmarks like this will give you memories to last a lifetime, and it’s well worth traveling amid the crowds to get a peek at them.
2.      Festivals – Any big festival is going to be crowded. Festivals are also something that can be attended for a limited time. They’re a celebration, and the best thing you can do is embrace the crowds and join the celebration.
3.      Natural Landmarks – Locations such as the Grand Canyon and Niagara Falls create a sense of magic. These completely natural landscapes feel otherworldly. They’re a great reminder of the power of nature. These awe-inspiring destinations are also often fairly crowded. Don’t worry though, because for the most part crowds will not take away from the show.
4.      Holiday events – Whether you’re going to a big party or just want to head to the beach for the 4th of July, you are likely to encounter a lot of crowding. You may be tempted to stay home and avoid the crowds, but if that’s hindering your ability to celebrate, reconsider.
5.      Concerts – A concert by nature is crowded. There’s a lot of standing, singing, and dancing, and for
some people this may get overwhelming. For concerts though, the larger crowds are what give the show energy. It is that energy, as well as the performer, that really makes a concert great.
6.      Rallies – In the spirit of the presidential election, we’ve included this item on the list. Much like concerts, a rally gathers energy with a crowd. It is also a great way to get more politically involved and learn more about where the candidates stand on the issues.
7.      Sporting Events – A sporting event that has low attendance has much less enthusiasm. A crowd really feeds off each other, and this is the perfect thing to happen at a sporting event. It gets the crowd riled up and excited for the game.
8.      Conventions – There’s tons of conventions out there. The types that typically come to mind are conventions centered around video games and anime. That’s not the only type of convention, though! No matter what type you attend, the crowds create an energy that can make or break the event.

There are two types of situations where you should brave the crowds; situations you enjoy in spite of the crowds, and situations you enjoy because of the crowds. Don’t be too quick to dismiss something due only to the crowds. There’s nothing quite like observing something special surrounded by others appreciating the same thing. So get out there, join the crowds, and enjoy! 

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