Thursday, July 28, 2016

Think Like Your Attendees

Summer is still going strong, which means there’s tons of outdoor events going on. Outdoor events can come with their own headaches, and outdoor events in summer come with even more.

So how do you deal with these problems? No matter what the problem may be, they key is to be prepared. Issues always surface during an event, but preparing can significantly cut down on the issues.

When planning an outdoor summer event, it is important to think about what issues you may run into months before the event even happens. Consider, for example, if lines are going to be long. This could be due to ticket sales or security. How do you prepare for this? You keep lines organized. You promote advanced ticket sales to cut back on lines. You have multiple entrance points so security doesn’t take too long to get through. This way people will get into your event quickly and not be irritated before the event has even begun.

So, once people get into your event, what issues might they run into? Most commonly this will be finding their way your event. Putting an information booth right by the entrance can direct visitors to where they want to go, provide maps, and promote event schedules. The next step is signage. It is extremely important that you have helpful signage at your event. Label different stages and buildings, list events happening in particular areas, and direct people with easy-to-spot signage.

The next problem they may run into? Long lines for shows, food booths, and services. This can happen for many reasons. Sometimes a particular booth or show is just very popular. There is not much you can do about this. What you can do, however, is arrange booths in a way that allows for easy line formation. You should also be sure to have a lot of options when it comes to food and entertainment.

The crowds are in, they are enjoying the festivities, but it’s summer. It’s hot. People are feeling sick and leaving early. How do you stop this? Make sure you have cooling stations throughout the event area. You may also choose to have a centrally located area where guests can purchase water and request first aid. If possible, an air conditioned building within the event area is perfect for providing some temporary relief from the heat.

As the event comes to an end, don’t think your job is over. A large group of people leaving at once is a logistical nightmare. Have volunteers directing the flow of traffic out of the correct areas. Be sure there are others directing actual, vehicle traffic, which is often the most frustrating part of an event. You want attendees to leave with a good impression, not with a sour taste in their mouths.

As you can see, thinking about your event as if you are attending it can be very beneficial. When considering your event specifically, you can also come up with more specific solutions that cater to your event and location. Summer and outdoor events are great, but with people’s high expectations make sure you are up to the challenge!

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